
When was the last time?

Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 7:41 PM

When was the last time U visited my blog?

When was the last time U took a good look at me?

When was the last time U think of me?

When was the last time U encouraged me?

When was the last time U talked to me?
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Everything seems to be the same

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 7:39 AM

Sitting in the living room studying..

Looking around the house taking a break from studying. I realise that the decoration of the house remain very much the same for the past few years. Nothing much has been changed. The same wall fixtures, the same layout.

I think we are just trying to leave it the same...
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Finally I Blog..

Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 7:26 AM

Its been 8 mths since I last posted an entry...

Been thinking of what to talk about for the past few days.

A friend of mine in Poly and currently a groupmate of mine in RMIT said I changed. He said that I was very jovious and happy guy back in poly but now I seems stress and troubled.

Have I changed?

Maybe I did, Maybe not..

If i had changed it must be because of my life experience during the past 3 years since I graduated in poly..

I am still missing mum.

In good and happy times, I would feel that why isnt she around to witness all the good things happening. Felt incomplete without her around and without her presence the family would just not be the same as before. It still hurts and I know everyone in the family is missing her although no one is saying so.

In bad times, I would miss her too as I would want her to be around to give me advice and see me through. Its not about the advice, its more on the moral encouragement she would provide. I know eman would still also be around me to support me.

Life is about missed opportunity and chances taken. If I had not passed my IPPT in BMT, life would have been different. Somethings may not have happened? My NS life would have been different. I wouldnt be a MP and I could have prevented somethings from happening?

Is this all fate, pre planned? Or its I dunno...

I love the Ones around me and I hope no one will ever leave me suddenly again.

I know Mum is someone around and looking over us.

Love and Miss You.

Your dearest son...
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Singapore Firework Festival 08

Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Time for tea-break!


The tree is blocking....can somebody make sure it's trimmed.

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Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 8:37 PM

A clear blue sky.....


Deep in thought?

Look @ these kids!! So Cute~ (naked)

Having fun ya!
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KaKa 谢谢你

Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 6:44 AM

小Micky Ka





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A Day @ Wild Wild Wet

Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 7:09 AM

Heya, did you enjoy yourself?

Went Wild Wild Wet with e gang, not a very good day to go...very cloudy...windy but at least we tried to do something different.

Caught some comics characters walking around DTE, quite an interesting scene to see these people dressing up so realistic. Too bad....din manage to take their photo!

Guess where r we?

No naked woman kay!

Thanks for the Porters...Thanks for all the wishes...Thanks for being there...u know who am referring....THANK YOU!!!! Love you all my super GANG ^-^

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Baby why'd you leave me

Hi, i am junhao.. this is my channel for me to write about my feelings sometimes what u want is not what u get what u see is not what it is

i miss you..

Why'd you have to go?

I was counting on forever

» Jiaxing

now I'll never know
